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Class 12 English Old Is Gold 2079 Set Solution| Set 2| NEB BOARD EXAM|


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1. Read the text and complete the tasks that follow. [15]


My uncle Wilbur used to spend hours every day checking on the lightning rods that stood guard on the roof of his house. We get a lot of storms here in our state. Sometimes we see wind up to sixty miles per hour and baseball-size hail. Lightning, Uncle Wilbur would say, is a living thing, and like a cat, it will strike anything that moves. You'd better not tempt it, he always told us. He advised my cousins and me to always be mindful of the nearest sheltering tree. He said we should be prepared to drop to the ground like a hot potato at the first sound of thunder. Knowing that lightning is attracted to the tallest thing around, Uncle Wilbur worried constantly about my cousin Jared, who, at sixteen, was 6'2" and still growing. Uncle Wilbur has always been a smart man. We all listened as he dismissed the automobile as a passing fancy. Every year it seemed more and more Model Ts came rolling into town, but Uncle Wilbur insisted that nothing could replace the reliability of a good old- fashioned mule when it came to transportation, work, or even entertainment. Yes, Uncle Wilbur's Mule Olympics, complete with obstacle courses and a long jump, was known far and wide. Sadly, the Mule Olympics did not survive into the next decade because the mules got too old and lost interest.

Nonetheless, my uncle Wilbur continued to predict future trends and warn us of impending tragedy. To this day. he reminds us that he foresaw the stock market crash of 1929, and that's why he kept his money wrapped in a handkerchief under his mattress. When the government started collecting income taxes a few years back, Uncle Wilbur reluctantly shared his wealth with Uncle Sam, insisting that the money was just a temporary loan.

Uncle Wilbur did not take kindly to the power company man who came knocking one day in 1936. This was the year the government launched a campaign to bring electricity to rural areas like ours. Most people, like Uncle Wilbur, were a little wary of having electricity in their homes. Many of us had running water, and we just weren't sure that the two mixed. Nevertheless, Uncle Wilbur was downright floored when the man said he wanted to string power lines up to the house. Nearly losing his temper, Uncle Wilbur exclaimed, "Here I am doing everything in my power to keep from getting struck by lightning, and you want to bring it right to my doorstep?" He sent the man on his way with a "No, thank you," and a "Good day, sir," but in the months that followed, we all eventually relented and let in the light. I must admit, playing checkers in the dark is a talent you can easily lose without daily practice.

Many things have changed since those times. Uncle Wilbur still lives in mortal fear of a lightning strike, but because he doesn't get out much anymore, most of his lightning rods have rusted through and fallen to the ground. Uncle Wilbur lives mostly on Social Security. which he proudly proclaims as his victory (see, he says, the government did eventually give his money back). He probably spends more time reminiscing about the past than he does making future predictions, but Uncle Wilbur will be the first to tell you that television will never be as popular as radio, and the idea of a human traveling into outer space is just plain crazy!


A. Choose the correct options for the following questions.

a. How would Uncle Wilbur feel about cellular phones? [5x1=5]

i. fearful      ii. Distrustful   iii. Welcoming      iv. indifferent


 b. Compared to Uncle Wilbur, how does the narrator feel toward modern advancements?

i. resisting     ii. accepting iii. uncertain    iv. exhilarated


c. Which reason explains why the author wrote about Uncle Wilbur?

i.to explain him   ii.to pacify him iii. to remember him   iv. to persuade him


d. Which pair of words best describe how the narrator most likely feels about Uncle Wilbur?

i. annoyed and frustrated       ii. respectful and amused

iii. sad and indifferent       iv. envious and distrustful


e. What Best describes the passage?

 i. a character sketch ii. a factual research iii. a persuasive essay         iv. a news article


B. Look at the highlighted words in the text. Complete these sentences using them. Two of them are not necessary. [5x1-5]

a. People are born to die. They are mortal creatures.

 b. The black checkers are flat and the white ones curved on top.

c. I have so many memories of that time, but reminiscing is tiring

d. He overcame the obstacles of poverty and neglect.

 e. Weather was bad that autumn. The hail fell with such violence that it broke windows.


C. Answer the following questions.

a. "We get a lot of storms here in our state” In sentence who does the word "our" refer to?

Ans.  "Our" refers to the narrator's state or the state where the narrator and Uncle Wilbur live.

b. Why does the narrator think Uncle Wilbur a smart uncle?

Ans. The narrator thinks Uncle Wilbur is smart because he predicted future trends and warned them of impending tragedy, such as the stock market crash of 1929.

c. What is Uncle Wilbur's Mule Olympics?

Ans. Uncle Wilbur's Mule Olympics was an event that he organized that included obstacle courses and a long jump for mules.

d. What is an impending tragedy?

Ans. An impending tragedy is an event that is likely to happen and could have serious consequences.

e. Why did they relent after Uncle Wilber sent the power company man away?

Ans. They relented because they eventually realized the benefits of having electricity in their homes, such as being able to play checkers in the light.


2. Write short answers to the following questions. [5*2=10]

 a. Who are the old guards? Why did they grow despair? (I was My Own Route)

ans. The old guards are traditionalists who are obsessed with the patriarchal system They grow desperate when they see the poetess improving the lives of the poor and striving for their independence.

b. Describe the old man as Pelayo and his wife notice in their yard? (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)

ans. The old man in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" is described as dirty, bedraggled, and almost like a "drowned man." He has large wings that are more like those of a bird than an angel, and he seems to be suffering from some kind of illness

c. Justify the title "The Bull." (The Bull)

"The Bull" powerfully depicts the feudal system of the time, in which ordinary people were oppressed, dominated, and dehumanized. The title of this one act play is highly relatable as all the events are relevant and concerned with the bull and his death. It has been shown that the bull is deserved greater respect than the common people in the play. So, the title perfectly suits for the content of the one act play.

d. How is marriage a social institution? Give reasons textual evidences. (Marriage as a Social Institution)

ans. Marriage is a social institution because it is a cultural and legal framework for the creation and maintenance of families. The text "Marriage as a Social Institution" argues that marriage serves as a way to regulate sexual behavior and establish kinship ties, and that it has important economic and political implications as well.


e. How does a library create conducive environment intimacy? (On Libraries)

ans. Libraries create a conducive environment for intimacy by providing a quiet and private space for individuals to engage in intellectual and emotional exploration. In "On Libraries," the author argues that libraries offer a unique kind of intimacy that is both personal and communal, allowing individuals to connect with themselves and with others through the shared experience of reading and learning



3. Write long answers to the following questions. [2*5=10]

 a. Narrate the story The Treasure in the Forest".

Ans:- The story entitled The Treasure in the Forest has been written by HG Wells. This story is somehow like a suspense story which is about the two treasure hunters. Evans and Hooker who have murdered a Chinese man to steal his map that locates a buried stash of gold ingots. Hooker studied the map which the narrator revealed that they stole from a Chinaman, Chang-hi, whom they murdered during the theft.

Chang-hi had by chance discovered the treasure left behind by a shipwrecked Spanish galleon, and had decided to rebury it elsewhere, at a location revealed by his map. They were very tired and hungry as if they had no food to eat. They looked at the map and got puzzled by the dashes in the map.


Evans and Hooker identified the spot indicated on the map after beaching their canoe. They stroke into the interior of the island through the forest. They soon discovered the identifying pile of stones just as the map said, but alongside it laid the purple and swollen body (dead body) of a Chinaman who had evidently himself been looking for the treasure. The men assumed the Chinaman to have been one of Changhi's associates who had decided to try and claim the treasure for himself.


Evans and Hooker started to pick up the gold ingots to take them back to the canoe They loaded as much of the gold as they could drag back to the canoe. They kept the gold ingots in Evans's jacket. They set off but after about a hundred yards Evans's arms started to ache He became pale and fainted. He fell down. Hooker started to rearrange the ingots on the jacket after Evans's collapse. He also started to feel like a throng prick. Hooker then realized the true meaning that Chang-hi had behind his grin. Chang-hi had covered his treasure with throns. The story ends as Hooker lay dying alongside the body of his companion.




b. The story shows that linguistic and cultural barriers not create any obstacle in human relationship. Show some examples from the story where the neighbours  have transcended such barriers. (Neighbours)

ans. Tim Winton's short story "Neighbours" is about a young couple who have just relocated to a new neighbourhood with several European immigrants. Both the young couple and their neighbours have prejudices at first because they only see the strange and sometimes disgusting customs of their new neighbourhood but after a while, they quickly adapt to their new surroundings, and the young couple begins to like their neighbours, and notice that they aren't all bad.

The story shows that linguistic and cultural barriers do not create any obstacle in human relationship Humanity and love is one of the such feelings that links the persons. It doesn't look race, caste, language, nationality, culture or language. The love, respect and kindness of a person towards other beautify the person or shows a real person. In this story also, due to different languages there was some misunderstandings on newly couples towards their neighbours, But when they were in problems the neighbours helped them a lot. In spite of the different languages and cultures, the neighbours gave advice to the young couple about spacing, hilling and mulching the vegetables in the kitchen garden. The polish widower rebuilt the falling henhouse of the young couple although they didn't understand his words.

The young couple offered heads of cabbage and took gifts of grapes and firewood from neighbours. The neighbours gifted chocolates, knitted the baby a suit when the couples were going to be parents.


4. Human life is all about collecting experience. But we do not remember all the experiences. Write a couple paragraphs on the most striking experience you have had in approximately 150 words.

                                          A Visit To Bauddhanath In Kathmandu

Nepal is a country with a rich cultural and religious heritage, and visiting one of its many religious sites can be a powerful and transformative experience. One such experience for me would be visiting the Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu

The Boudhanath Stupa is one of the largest stupas in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site The stupa is an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists and is considered a symbol of peace and compassion. As I walked around the stupa, I was struck by the sense of serenity and tranquility that permeated the air. The sound of prayer wheels spinning and the chanting of mantras filled the air, creating a peaceful and meditative atmosphere. The intricate carvings, vibrant colors, and exquisite architecture of the stupa were awe-inspiring, and I felt a deep sense of reverence and respect for the history and culture of the place.

Visiting the Boudhanath Stupa was a humbling and spiritual experience that reminded me of the power of faith and the importance of connecting with something greater than oneself. It was a reminder of the universal human desire for meaning and purpose and left a lasting impression on me



5. Because of pandemic, you were locked up in, parents were worried about you. Write a letter describing your situation. Assure them that and following all the health protocols approximately 180 words.

4th April 2023

Kathmandu, Nepal

Dear Parents,

I hope this letter finds you well. I know that you have been worried about me since the pandemic started, and I want to assure you that I am safe and following all the necessary health protocols

As you know, due to the pandemic, I have been unable to leave my home and have been spending most of my time indoors I understand that this can be concerning, but I want to assure you that I am taking every precaution to keep myself healthy. I have been following all the recommended health guidelines, including wearing a mask whenever I go out, regularly washing my hands, and practicing social distancing. Additionally, I have been avoiding crowded places and staying at home as much as possible. I know that this has been a difficult time for everyone, but I want you to know that I am doing my best to stay healthy and safe. I have been keeping myself busy with various activities, such as reading, exercising, and learning new skills.

I am also staying in touch with my friends and family through video calls and messaging Please don't worry about me. I am taking every precaution to protect myself and those around me, and I will continue to do so until the situation improves.

I hope to see you both soon, but until then, let's stay connected virtually.



 [Your Name]




 6. Write a review of a book or a film you have recently   watched or read in approximately 300 words.

                               Interstellar, A Search For New Universe


Movie: - Interstellar                                                     

Directed by: - Christopher Nolan

Starring: - Matthew McConaughey

                   Anne Hathaway

                   Jessica Chastain

Duration: - 169 minutes

Release Date: - Oct 6, 2014

Budget: - $165 million

Box Office: - $773.8 million


   Interstellar is a 2014 epic science fiction film co-written, directed, and produced by Christopher Nolan.  Set in a dystopian future where humanity is struggling to survive, the film follows a group of astronauts who travel through a wormhole near Saturn in search of a new home for mankind. It is a mind-bending science fiction film that takes audiences on an incredible journey through space and time. The film features an all-star cast, including Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Chastain, and delivers a visually stunning and emotionally gripping cinematic experience.


The story follows a team of astronauts on a mission to find a new habitable planet for humanity, as Earth is facing a catastrophic environmental crisis. McConaughey's character, Cooper, is a former pilot who reluctantly agrees to lead the mission, leaving behind his two children and a dying Earth. The film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the nature of human existence. The visual effects in Interstellar are nothing short of breathtaking. The film's space sequences are visually stunning, showcasing the vast emptiness and wonder of the universe. The use of practical effects and models instead of solely relying on CGI gives the film a tangible and realistic feel, enhancing the overall viewing experience. The performances in the film are also top-notch. McConaughey delivers a nuanced and emotional performance, conveying the weight of his character's personal struggles and the enormity of his mission. Hathaway and Chastain also give powerful performances, bringing depth and heart to their respective characters


While the film can be complex and difficult to follow at times, the themes and ideas presented are thought-provoking and challenging. The film's final act delivers a stunning and emotional payoff that will leave audiences breathless. Interstellar is not without its flaws, particularly in its third act where the film's complex themes and ideas are condensed into a more conventional narrative. However, overall, the film is a stunning achievement in both visual effects and storytelling, and is a must-watch for fans of science-fiction and those who enjoy thought provoking films.

Overall, Interstellar is a must-see film for science fiction fans and movie lovers alike. With its stunning visuals, top-notch performances, and thought- provoking themes, it is a cinematic masterpiece that will leave a lasting impact on viewers long after the credits roll.


 7. Do as indicated in the brackets and rewrite sentences.             [10x1=10]

 a. I didn't take the chance. I answered these questions correctly. (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.)

b. Socrates was a great Greek philosopher. (Put the correct verb in the blank.)

c. My father ran a book shop for five years. (Put the correct preposition in the blank.)

d. Kamal lost his cell phone. He (should have/could have/must have / can have)informed the police (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

 e. My mother had redecorated the flat, before I reached home (Complete the sentence using correct forms of verbs; redecorate)

  f. She decided.......... (to join/join/ joined/joining) language institute. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

g. I couldn't submit the assignment on time I was because out in the country. (Put the correct conjunction to complete the sentence)

h. The house, (in which/which/that/where) I spent twelve years, was destroyed in earthquake. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

i. People say most of the politicians are liars. (Change into passive.)

It is said that most of the politicians are liars.

Most of the politicians are said to be liars.

j. Were you absent in the class yesterday? (Report the sentence starting with: She asked...................

She asked me if I had been absent in the class the day before.



8. Choose and copy the correct answer. [5x1=5]


 a. Which of the following words has a different vowel sound?


i. van     iii. Trap    iii. Jam     iv. palm


b. The initial sound in the word 'teacher' is transcribed as ......


i./∫/    ii. /t/     iii. /o/         iv. /t∫/


c. She was sent to.........for ten years for the offence she has committed.

i. goal   ii. goal    iii. Court       iv. country


d. 'Tramp' comes after troop' in dictionary because ………. comes before 'o' in alphabets.

i. a   ii. t        iii. r     iv. m


e. The case is urgent. I will………. matter immediately.

i. look down.

ii. look into

iii. look for

iv. look up.

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