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Class 12 English Old Is Gold 2079 Set Solution| Set 3| NEB BOARD EXAM|


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Read the text and complete the tasks that follow.      15


One of the modern world's intriguing sources of mystery has been aeroplanes vanishing in mid-flight. One of the more famous of these was the disappearance in 1937 of a pioneer woman aviator, Amelia Earhart. On the second last stage of an attempted round the world flight, she had radioed her position as she and her navigator searched desperately for their destination, a tiny island in the Pacific.


The plane never arrived at Howland Island. Did it crash and sink after running out of fuel? It had been a long haul from New Guinea, a twenty hour flight covering some four thousand kilometres. Did Earhart have enough fuel to set down on some other island on her radioed course? Or did she end up somewhere else altogether? One fanciful theory had her being captured by the Japanese in the Marshall Islands and later executed as an American spy; another had her living out her days under an assumed name as a housewife in New Jersey.


Seventy years after Earhart's disappearance, 'myth busters' continue to search for her. She was the best- known American woman pilot in the world. People were tracking her flight with great interest when, suddenly, she vanished into thin air. Aircraft had developed rapidly in sophistication after World War One, with the 1920s and 1930s marked by an aeronautical record-setting frenzy. Conquest of the air had become a global obsession. While Earhart was making headlines with her solo flights, other aviators like high-altitude pioneer Wiley Post and industrialist Howard Hughes were grabbing some glory of their own. But only Earhart, the reserved tomboy from Kansas who disappeared three weeks shy of her 40th birthday, still grips the public imagination. Her disappearance has been the subject of at least fifty books, countless magazine and newspaper articles, and TV documentaries. It is seen by journalists as the last great American mystery. There are currently two main theories about Amelia Earhart's fate.


There were reports of distress calls from the Phoenix Islands made on Earhart's radio frequency for days after she vanished. Some say the plane could have broadcast only if it were on land, not in the water. The Coast Guard and later the Navy, believing the distress calls were real, adjusted their searches, and newspapers at the time reported Earhart and her navigator were marooned on an island. No-one was able to trace the calls at the time, so whether Earhart was on land in the Phoenix Islands or there was a hoaxer in the Phoenix Islands using her radio remains a mystery. Others dismiss the radio calls as bogus and insist Earhart and her navigator ditched in the water. An Earhart researcher, Elgen Long, claims that Earhart's airplane ran out of gas within fifty-two miles of the island and is sitting somewhere in a 6,000-square- mile area, at a depth of 17,000 feet. At that depth, the fuselage would still be in shiny, pristine condition if ever anyone were able to locate it. It would not even be covered in a layer of silt. Those who subscribe to this explanation claim that fuel calculations, radio calls and other considerations all show that the plane plunged into the sea somewhere off Howland Island.


Whatever the explanation, the prospect of finding the remains is unsettling to many. To recover skeletal remains or personal effects would be a grisly experience and an intrusion. They want to know where Amelia Earhart is, but that's as far as they would like to go. As one investigator has put it, I'm convinced that the mystery is part of what keeps us interested. In part, we remember her because she's our favourite missing person."


A. Choose the correct answer from the option given.[5x1=5]


a. Amelia Earhart's nationality was:

i. English   ii. Australian      iii. Canadian      iv. American


b. All the following are theories about Amelia's fate EXCEPT:

i. she crashed on a remote island somewhere near her destination.

ii. her plane ran out of fuel and crashed into the sea.

iii. she was captured by the Japanese and executed as a spy.

 iv. she crashed somewhere on Howland Island.


c. The most convincing evidence that Amelia crashed somewhere on land was:

i. the finding of aircraft remains.

ii. sightings by islanders.

iii. distress signals from the Phoenix Islands on her particular radio frequency.

iv. radio contact with the coastguard from the Phoenix Islands.

d. If the aircraft were ever recovered from its probable sea grave:

i. it would be hardly recognisable.

ii. it would be in pristine condition and considered highly valuable.

iii. it may reveal some grisly evidence.

iv. (i) and (iii) together.

 e. The fate of Amelia Earhart still fascinates investigators for all the following reasons EXCEPT:

i.she was a famous female aviator and adventurer.

 ii. there are such conflicting theories about her disappearance.

iii. she was so close to the end of her journey.

iv. she presents one of the twentieth century's great unsolved mysteries.



B. Read the sentences that have the words in boldface and then match the descriptions in Column A with Column B. [5x1=5]

Column A

Column B

a. an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind


b. a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area


c. getting into a place or situation where they are not wanted or expected to be


d. to suddenly start doing something actively or enthusiastically

Plunged into

e. a person who carries out a trick or plan to deceive people


f. being very sad







C. Answer the following questions.       [5x1-5]

a. Where was Amelia Heading for?

Ans. Amelia Earhart was heading towards Howland Island, a tiny island in the Pacific, on the second last stage of her attempted round the world flight.


b. How are aircrafts connected to post World War time?

Ans. After World War One, aircraft had developed rapidly in sophistication, and the 1920s and 1930s were marked by an aeronautical record-setting frenzy, as the conquest of the air had become a global obsession.


c. What were two main theories about Amelia Earhart's fate?

Ans. The two main theories about Amelia Earhart's fate are: one theory suggests that she was marooned on an island in the Phoenix Islands and made distress calls on her radio, while others dismiss the radio calls as bogus and insist that Earhart and her navigator ditched in the water.


 d. Who is an Earhart researcher?

ans. Elgen Long is an Earhart researcher who claims that Earhart's airplane ran out of gas within fifty-two miles of the island and is sitting somewhere in a 6,000-square-mile area, at a depth of 17,000 feet.


e. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

Ans. The main idea of the last paragraph is that while people are interested in finding out what happened to Amelia Earhart, and the mystery surrounding her disappearance is part of what keeps people interested, and her disappearance is remembered because she is our favourite missing person.








2. Write short answers to the following questions. [5×2=10]


a.    How did the young man feel about the help his neighbours offered him? (Neighbours)

Ans. In the story "Neighbours" written by Tim Winton, initially the young man feels quite uncomfortable and somewhat burdened by the help his neighbors offer him. However as the story progresses, the man recognized that he had been harbouring prejudices all along and began to cry. the young man realizes the value of having good neighbors and the importance of being a part of a supportive community. Thus, he becomes more receptive towards the help offered by his neighbors and feels grateful for their support.


b. What is the central idea of the poem A Day"?

Ans. The central idea of the poem "A Day" by Emily Dickinson is the fleeting nature of time and the importance of seizing the present moment. passes. Dickinson uses vivid imagery to describe the beauty of nature and the passing of time. Through her words, she encourages the reader to make the most of each moment, to not take life for granted, and to appreciate the beauty of the world around them.


 c. What, according to Russell, is the true aim of education? (Knowledge and Wisdom)

Ans. According to Russell, the true aim of education is not just to acquire knowledge, but to develop wisdom and the ability to think critically.

d. Draw the character sketch of Famous Actress. How is she different from Earnest Young Woman? (A Matter of Husbands)

Ans. The Famous Actress is portrayed as a self-centered and manipulative person, who is willing to use her charm to get what she wants. In contrast, the Earnest Young Woman is portrayed as a simple and honest person, who values sincerity and integrity over fame and fortune.


e. Is Facing Death an appropriate title? Give reasons.

Ans. Ans. "Facing Death" is an appropriate title for the text as it deals with the theme of mortality and the way in which Monsieur Durand approaches the end of his life. The protagonist of the story is facing the prospect of death and must come to terms with it, which is a central theme of the text.



3. Write long answers to the following questions. [2x5=10]


a. "My Old Home" is a story about Xun's memories, from youth to middle age that depicts the conflict between memories and realities. Explain.

Ans. "My Old Home" by Xun is a story about the conflict between memories and reality. The story takes the readers through the narrator's journey from youth to middle age. He returns to his old village, where he spent his childhood and youth, after several years of living in the city. The narrator's memories of his old home are precious to him, and he treasures them. However, as he revisits his old home, he realizes that the reality of the present is much different from the memories he holds dear.

The narrator's memories of his old home are idyllic, and he remembers the place as being beautiful and unchanging. However, the reality he finds is different. The village has changed, and after 30 years,  Runtu does not act like a friend towards Xun, but rather an inferior acquaintance since Lu Xun ranks higher than him in society. When Runtu arrives the first thing he says is “Hello Master.”. The old house he grew up in is rundown and decaying. The narrator is torn between his memories of the past and the harsh reality of the present. The conflict between memories and reality is a central theme of the story.

As the story progresses, the narrator realizes that he cannot go back to the past, and that the only way forward is to accept the present. He comes to terms with the fact that his memories are just that- memories. They are a product of his imagination and are not a true reflection of the past. The story, therefore, is about the struggle to reconcile the past and the present, and the need to accept change.


b. What patriarchal ideology does the speaker talk about the poem? What does Burgos urge women to do? (I Was My Own Route)

Ans. "I Was My Own Route" by Julia De Burgos is a poem that addresses the patriarchal ideology that has been prevalent in society for centuries. The speaker of the poem urges women to break free from the shackles of this ideology and to forge their own paths in life.


The poem talks about the patriarchal ideology that has been imposed on women for centuries. According to this ideology, women are supposed to be submissive, obedient, and selfless. They are expected to put the needs of their families and husbands before their own. The speaker of the poem acknowledges that this ideology has been internalized by women themselves and that they have been complicit in their own subjugation.

However, the poem urges women to break free from this ideology and to assert their independence. The speaker tells women that they are not defined by their relationships with men and that they can be their own persons. The poem urges women to take control of their lives and to create their own paths.

In conclusion, "I Was My Own Route is a powerful poem that urges women to break free from the patriarchal ideology that has been imposed on them for centuries. The poem urges women to assert their independence and to create their own paths in life.


4. Write a news story using the following information in approximately 150 words.

ABC hospital, Kathmandu camp. one day free dental at Asian School of Management and Social Sciences, Pokhara, doctors. Dr Anuz Sapkota and Dr. Urmial Baral along with three technicians check-up and tooth extractions... free 150 students, teachers and other staff benefited 50 extracted their teeth.

Free Dental Camp in Pokhara


Asian School of Management and Social Sciences in Pokhara recently held a free dental camp for students, teachers, and other staff members. The camp was conducted by two expert dentists, Dr. Anuz Sapkota and Dr. Urmial Baral, and three technicians.

During the camp, the doctors conducted dental check-ups for 150 individuals and provided free tooth extractions for those who needed them. The event was a huge success with over 50 individuals having their teeth extracted.

Many of the participants expressed their gratitude for the free dental check-up and extraction service. They said that it was a rare opportunity for them to receive such specialized dental care without incurring any cost. The doctors and technicians were praised for their professional and friendly approach towards the patients.

Overall, the free dental camp was considered a huge success, providing much-needed dental care to those who cannot afford it. The school hopes to continue organizing such events in the future.


5. Study the follow advertisement.

Vacancy for the post of The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Nepal Tourism Board

(1st date of publication: 7th April, 2012)

Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) formed by the act of parliament of Nepal under Nepal Tourism Board Act, 2053 B.S. and Nepal Tourism Board regulation 2055, an autonomous and statutory National Tourism Organization (NTO) of Nepal is seeking applications from qualified candidates for the post of Chief Executive Officer.


Major Duties of the Position: Formulate and execute annual operational plan ofNTB.

 Develop new tourist destinations and activities in various regions of Nepal.

 Manage and develop NTB with vision plan both in short and long term.

Other responsibilities will be as entrusted by Executive committee of NTB.


Master's Degree in any discipline with 10 years of work experience in tourism. Fluent in both English and Nepali language.

 Computer literate. Must be a Nepali citizen.

Dynamic and good speaker with leadership quality. The vacancy announcement is also available at NTB's website http://www.welcomenepal.com. Telephone inquiries in this matter will not be entertained.


Nepal Tourism Board Tourist Service Centre P.O.Box 11018, Ktm., Nepal

 Fax: 977-1-4256910 Email: info@ntb.org.np www.welcomenepal.com






Write an application for the position briefly stating your qualification and experience in approximately 180 words.

10th April, 2012

Swargadwari Pyuthan



The Administration Committee,

Nepal Tourism Board

Kathmandu, Nepal.


        Subject: - Application for the Post of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Nepal Tourism Board


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to express my interest in the vacancy of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), which was published on 7th April 2012. I believe that my educational qualifications and extensive experience in the tourism sector make me a suitable candidate for this position.

I have completed my Master's Degree in Tourism from a reputed university and have over ten years of experience in the industry. I have worked in various capacities, including as a Tour Guide, Tour Operator and Manager in leading tourism companies in Nepal. My work experience has given me a deep understanding of the tourism industry's functioning and the Challenges faced by stakeholders.

I have excellent communication and leadership skills, and 1 am fluent in both English and Nepali. Additionally, I am computer literate, which will be beneficial in fulfilling the responsibilities of the position. I believe that my dynamic personality and ability to work in a team will enable me to develop new tourist destinations and activities in various regions of Nepal while managing and developing NTB with vision plans for both the short and long term

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Nepal's tourism sector's growth and development as the CEO of NTB. Thank you for considering my application. Please find attached my resume and relevant documents.

Yours sincerely.

[Your Name]


6. You might have visited or travelled many places up to now. Some of them may be in your memory while others may not be. Write a travelogue of the most striking travelling experience you have had in approximately 300 words. [10]


A Memorable Visit to Lumbini

Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, is a sacred pilgrimage site for millions of Buddhists around the world. I had the opportunity to visit this holy place a few years ago, and it was a truly unforgettable experience.

As soon as I stepped into the gates of Lumbini, I was struck by a sense of serenity and peace. The entire complex is beautifully maintained, with well-manicured gardens and peaceful ponds. I made my way to the Maya Devi Temple, which is built on the spot where Lord Buddha is said to have been born. The temple is small but exquisitely decorated, and there were many devotees quietly praying and offering incense.

From there, I explored the many monasteries and temples that dot the complex. Each one was unique, with its own distinct architectural style and cultural influences. I was particularly struck by the Thai Monastery, which had intricate golden carvings and a beautifully landscaped garden. I also visited the Chinese Monastery, which was adorned with colourful paintings and murals.

But perhaps the most memorable part of my visit was the evening prayer ceremony. As the sun began to set, I joined hundreds of other pilgrims in a large open space. The air was thick with the sound of chanting and the Regenerate response Monks in orange robes led the From there, I explored the many monasteries and temples that dot the complex. Each one was unique, with its own distinct architectural style and cultural influences. I was particularly struck by the Thai Monastery, which had intricated golden carvings and a beautifully landscaped garden. I also visited the Chinese Monastery, which was adorned with colourful paintings and murals.

But perhaps the most memorable part of my visit was the evening prayer ceremony. As the sun began to set, I joined hundreds of other pilgrims in a large open space. The air was thick with the sound of chanting and the sweet smell of incense. Monks in orange robes led the prayers, and I was moved by the deep sense of devotion and reverence that filled the space.

Overall, my visit to Lumbini was a deeply spiritual and humbling experience. It reminded me of the importance of mindfulness, compassion, and kindness in our lives. I left feeling refreshed and renewed, with a sense of peace that stayed with me for a long time afterwards.



7. Do as indicated in the brackets and rewrite the sentences. (10x1=10]

a. Yaman drives his car carefully. (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.)

 b. The committee is divided in the decision. (Put the correct present form of verb in the blank.)

c. He shot him right between his eyes. (Put the correct preposition in the blank.)

d. Devkota wrote many romantic poems. He (should have/ could have/might have/ might have been) influenced by English Romantic Poets. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

e. Dev will have reached home by tomorrow. (Complete the sentence using correct forms of verbs: reach.)

f. They stopped (to work / work/ worked/ working) in a mine. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

g. Lakpa went abroad so that he could eam a good deal of money. (Put a correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence.)

h. Manita, (who/whose/whom/ to whom) parents are peasants, became a qualified doctor. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)


i. I don't mind people criticizing my films. (Change into passive.)

I don’t mind my films being criticized.


j. I have been to France. (Report the sentence starting with: He says.........………………..)

He says that he has been to France.


8. Choose and copy the correct answer.                             [5x1=5]

a. Which of the following words has /z/ sound?

i. pleasure    ii. Jam     iii. goes        iv. raj

 / ˈplɛʒ ər /           /ʤæm/     /ɡəʊz/              /raːdʒ/

b. Which is the root word?

i recovery         ii.  famous     iii. endanger    iv. playful


c. How many syllables are in the word 'butterfly"?

i. two      ii. Three     iii. four       iv. five


d. Choose the correct spelling.

i conicte          i. contice      iii. conceit         iv. cointce


e. I lost my head completely. It means

i.went mad   ii. forgot   iii. saved my head    iv. remembered



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