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Class 12 Compulsory English Board Exam 2022 Complete Solution|


                    Sub.Code: 0041'E'


NEB-GRADE XII 2079 (2022)

Compulsory English

New course

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.


      Time: 3 hrs                                                                                                                            Full Marks: 75


           Attempt all the questions

1.     Read the following text and complete the tasks that follow.       15

Today, bicycles are elegantly simple machines that are common around the world. Many people ride bicycles for recreation, where as others use them as a means of transportation. The first bicycle, called a draisienne, was invented in Germany in 1818 by Baron Karl de Drais de Sauerbrunn. Because it was made of wood, the draisienne wasn't very durable nor did it have pedals Riders moved it by pushing their feet against the ground. In 1839, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, a Scottish blacksmith, invented a much better bicycle. Macmillan's machine had tires with iron rims to keep them from getting worn down. He also used foot-operated cranks, similar to pedals, so his bicycle could be ridden at a quick pace. It didn't look much like the modern bicycle, though, because its back wheel was substantially large than its front wheel. Although MacMillan’s bicycles could be ridden easily, they were never produced in large numbers. In 1861, Frenchman Pierre Michaux and his brother Ernest invented a bicycle with an improved crank mechanism. They called their bicycle a velocipede, but most people called it a "bone shaker" because of the jarring effect of the wood and iron frame. Despite the unflattering nick name, Velocipede was a hit. After a few years, the Michaux family was making hundreds of the machines annually, mostly for fun-seeking young people.


Ten years later, James Starley, an English inventor, made several innovations that revolutionized bicycle design. He made the front wheel many times larger than the back wheel, put a gear on the pedals to make the bicycle more efficient, and lightened the wheels by using wire spokes. Although this bicycle was much lighter and less tiring to ride, it was still clumsy, extremely top-heavy, and ridden mostly for entertainment. It wasn't until 1874 that the first truly modern bicycle appeared on the scene. Invented by another Englishman, H.J.Lawson, the safety bicycle would look familiar to today's cyclists. The safety bicycle had equal-sized wheels, which made it much less prone to toppling over. Lawson also attached a chain to the pedals to drive the rear wheel. By 1993, the safety bicycle had been further improved with air-filled rubber tires, a diamond shaped frame, and easy braking. With the improvements provided by Lawson, bicycles became extremely popular and useful for transportation. Today, they are built, used, and enjoyed all over the world.


A. Look at the highlighted words in the text. Complete the following sentences

using them. Two of them are not necessary.5*1=5


a. The invention of bicycle improved travel.

b. The invention of bicycle revolutionized he way of life.

c. The fields next to the school are always used for recreation.

d. Unfortunately, her movements were rather clumsy.

e. The old stone steps had been  worn down by years of use.


B.Read the text again and write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information given in the text..

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information given in the  text

NOT GIVEN if there is no information in the text.


a. The pedaled bicycle was first invented in Germany true. False

b. Macmillan's bicycle resembled today's bicycle. False

c. The alternation of velocipedes made the life of people much easier. Not Given

d. The changes made by British inventors altered the wheels to make pedaling

more efficient. True

e. Chain-driven bicycles were first made in France. False



C. Answer the following questions.                                                                                    5x1-5

a. How did the riders move 'draisiene'?

Ans:- The riders move 'draisiene’ by pushing its feet against  the ground .


b. What improvements were made to the bicycle invented in 1839?

Ans:- The improvements like use of foot-operated cranks and iron rims were made to the bicycle invented in 1839.


c. Why do you think Macmillan used iron rims in his machine?

Ans:- Macmillan used iron rims in his machine to keep tires from getting worn down.


d. What can be assumed from the text?

Ans:- From the text, it can be assumed that invention of bicycle had  gone through various processes and improvements in different time period of time by different inventors.


e. What is the purpose of the text?

Ans:- The purpose of the text is to impart knowledge about the history of Invention of bicycle.


2. Write short answers to the following questions based on the textbook. 5x2=10

a) What does 'fractured dialogue' mean in the story? (Neighbours)

Ans:- In the story ‘Neighbours’  Fractured Dialogue  implies to misunderstanding and miscommunication created among people because of the inability  to understand and respond other's people way of living and their languages.


b) What in your opinion is the moral of the story 'The Treasure in the Forest' ?

Ans:- In my opinion, the moral of the story "The Treasure In The Forest' deals with the consequence of extreme greediness and unplanned tasks. It conveys the moral lesson of tit for tat, greed leads to destruction and teaches to do proper planning  before initiating any adventurous tasks.


c) Explain the following lines with reference to the context: (I Was My Own Route)

At each advancing step on my route forward.

My back was ripped by the desperate flapping wings of the old guard.

Ans:- The lines above mentioned in the task text symbolizes to the real struggle of a woman that she has done in  the patriarchal society for her rights and freedom. Her journey as a freedom fighter was very tough and she was every time dominated by the orthodox mindsets  at each advancing step of her journey.


d) In what way is marriage an institution? Explain. (Marriage as a Social Institution)

Ans:- Marriage is an institution in the sense that it connects not only two people but also two communities having different cultures and backgrounds. It is a valuable social assets which has its own norms and values and it aims for promoting social relationships and human life in a better way.


e) What are the universal human abilities? (Humility)

Ans:- According to the author Yuval Noah Harari, morality, art, spirituality and creativity are the universal human abilities that are embedded in our DNA.


Write long answers to the following questions.


a) How can you say that 'Facing Death' is a modern tragedy? (Facing Death)

Ans:- By modern Tragedy, we mean a play dealing with Tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one concerning The downfall of The main character. The play "Facing Death" is a modern Tragedy as it ends with The Tragic death of The protagonist Mr. Durand Modern Tragedy deals with realistic representations and common problems. Realism and naturalism are The main features of modern play.


The protagonist of a modern Tragedy is a common man Furthermore, modern Tragedy deals with The problems of The modern individual such as dysfunctional family relationships, Socio-cultural problems, loneliness, etc. Characters become Victims of Their socio-cultural environment, Fate, economic class, gender, external environment, etc.

Here in This play, we find the exact features of modern Tragedy. This play has presented the life of common modern man with an immense crisis in his life. Due to economic hardships, he has been suffering a lot along with his Three daughters. In the play, we can easily find problems of bad relationships and poor economic status. Mr. Durand, a common modern man has suffered a lot due to economic difficulties. This play also ends with The Tragic downfall of The main character Mr. Durand. He kills himself and even burns his house for the welfare of his Three daughters. This play has presented realism as well as naturalism


b) Gabriel Garcia Marquez illustrates the themes of abuse and cruelty in the story 'An Old Man with Enormous Wings'. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion with reference to the context.. (An Old Man with Enormous Wings)

Ans:- Yes, I agree with This statement. Here, the story's author Gabriel Gracia Marquez illustrates The Theme of abuse and cruelly by presenting an old weak man with enormous wings and his plight in Front of many people. Due to old man's strange appearance, The crowd of people queue in front of Pelayo and Elisenda's house. The story has examined The human response to Those who are weak, dependent, and different. The story shows human nature-related curiosity, greed and cruelly.

Here, we find abuse and cruelly of people who come to watch The old man From different places. They Try To harass The old man doing various bad deeds. Their curiosity makes Them do bad things against The old man. As a weak and old guy, The old man remains motionless inside his coop. But the crowd of people try their best to disturb him. They prod him with hot iron pokers when They find him inactive. They try to pull out his feathers to Touch defective parts and Throw stones at him to make him stand. The miserable old man responds in anger, Flapping his wings and yelling in his strange language.

Here, The nature of humans has presented The biller reality that powerful beings always show Their cruelly and abuse against weak as well as powerless beings.


4. 'Social Media' can have both positive and negative effects. Write your views on social media in about 150 words.

                                                                    Social Media And Its impact


The collection of various social online. platforms where people share their opinions regarding current issues, have discussion on the recent topics and get socialized virtually can be defined as 'social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube etc. are the most commonly used social media & in the recent days the use of different social media applications has increased very rapidly among people of almost all age groups. It is very certain that 'social media' can have both positive and negative effects.


Use of social media can be boon for human progress if it is utilized in proper and right way. Certainly, there are many advantages that we can easily gain using social media while dealing with its positive side, the very first thing is that social media has enabled us to communicate and make connections with people of diverse thoughts. virtually. It is very much easier to receive all sorts of" required information and news with the help of social media Likewise, we can get access to different platforms, seminars, competitions and programs through social media where we shall have the opportunity to express and enhance ourselves students will also be benefitted by using social media as they can update themselves with recent news and can also get virtually connected with peer and teachers.


on the other hand, social media hot has its very dark side where people are suffering a lot and even making society suffer. The use of inappropriate and fake content to gain the popularity in virtual world has defamed human the dignity of human civilization. People are misguided about the way of becoming viral and gaining followers in social media which has ultimately led to various immoral acts. Mostly, teenage group people have become the victims of improper using of social media. Getting themselves engaged in virtual world has made people unproductive. and irresponsible in their field. Due to long exposure to social media, students have lost their creativity and have developed the habit of following random trends without Knowing their consequences. This sorts of activities clearly shows about the negative effects of social media in human life


As a rational beings, we the humans should always adopt the positive and beneficial aspects of dhy field by omitting the dark side. The same rule is also applicable in the context of using social media .











5. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily newspaper on environmental pollution in about 180 words.


Swargdwari-05, Pyuthan




The Editor,

The Himalayan Times,

Kathmandu, Nepal.


Sub:- About the issue of increasing environmental pollution.


Respected Sir/Madam,


Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention about the burning issue of environmental pollution which is increasing very rapidly in these recent days. It is very much familiar to everyone to  that consequences of environmental pollution will have serious impacts on human civilization. So, it is very much crucial to address this issue as soon as possible.


Nowadays, environment is detoriate very badly due to inhuman activities of humans . Everywhere land pollution, water pollution and noise pollution are expanding in an exponential rate. There is no systematic way of disposing sewages. As a result, they are directly mixed in various water resources. Similarly, the wastage from factories and excessive use of chemical fertilizers  has resulted in excessive water pollution. Similarly, due to the use of old vehicles, unmanaged urbanization, deforestation and unsystematic industrialization, air pollution has increased very much. These things will create lots of adverse effects in near future. Some of the effects like climate change, untimely rainfall, rapid melting of snow, global warming and extinction of rare flora and faunas have already started to appear just because of environmental degradation. If this process continues, certainly there is going  to be scarcity of pure drinking water and clean air which will  make the survival of living organisms very difficult. So, I strongly believe that its time for us to awake ourselves and make us responsible and accountable for increasing environmental pollution. Priority should be given for using renewable and alternative sources of energy like by solar energy, biomass, wind energy etc. which will certainly assist in minimizing environmental pollutions. The general people have felt the carelessness of concerned stakeholders. regarding environmental sanitation which is also a big issue. Hence, the aforementioned things should considered so that we can be able to minimize the problem of environmental pollution.


All the comm public, concerned authorities and the government need to be very conscious for controlling environmental pollution. So, I hope you will publish the articles regarding this issue in your newspaper so that it will create mass awareness and encourage people for maintaining environmental sanitation.

  With Regards,

Bijay regmi

6. Compared to online teaching and learning, students learn much better with their physical presence in the classroom. To what extent do you agree with this statement ? Write an essay in about 300 words expressing your opinion.

                                          Advantages Of Physical Learning System Over Digital Learning

                               I fully agree with the given statement. In comparison to online classes as well as digital teaching learning environment, the classroom teaching and learning method in the physical presence  of students is far better. Though online education is becoming  very popular in the recent days, there are certain benefits of classroom teaching that it simply cannot replace. Research has proved that classroom teaching not only impacts students but also the teachers.

                                There are lots of pros of classroom  teaching that digital or online education will find very hard to replace. Basically, classroom environment is essential to promote and stimulate collaborative learning Collaborative learning increases a student's self awareness about how other students learn and enables them To learn more easily and effectively, Transforming Them into keen learners inside and beyond classroom. It enhances students' critical Thinking skills. Teaching in a classroom gives students the opportunity to engage in live discussions in which They are Forced To use their critical Thinking skills to formulate opinions or arguments. It also helps in improving social skills. Inside a classroom, students experience social interactions with peers and establish rapport with teachers. Helping children develop socially is an important aspect within the realm of their academic education. The  list of distractions in an online classroom is vast. In a physical classroom, the environment is only suited for learning and getting to interact with others. But in online classrooms , pupils  are in their homes or any other comfortable place which means that the primary purpose of such environment is not for learning. They are also not under supervision of teachers.

                                  Classroom Teaching teaches students how to develop organizational skills, beginning with the basics, such as arriving to school on Time. In a live classroom, students are held accountable for being prepared to do school work, which includes having done their homework the night before, being ready for pop quizzes, turning in assignments by their due date and being prepared for in-class discussions. In effect, students learn how to organize their time, prioritize their assignments and get their homework. Teaching style can be modified according to the student's issues. Teachers can modify Their Teaching style based on types of learners in their classroom. The classroom activities can help visual learner, interactions can help auditory learners, etc. Teachers can get a clear idea whether students are following what has been taught or they require further explanation. At the same time, students can get their doubts clarified immediately before moving ahead in a topic. Classroom Teaching inculcates conflict resolving skills, presentation skills when it comes to presenting Their ideas confidently in front of peers, develops team spirit and teaches them to get along with those from different cultural backgrounds. Such experiences are valuable in shaping students communication and listening skills, as well as growing and maturing emotionally. The physical presence of a teacher keeps students stimulated through the interactive and interesting activities. This enables students to retain more from what they have learned during a session.

                                 To sum up, there are many advantages of classroom teaching in physical presence of the students over the online teaching system.



7. Do as indicated in the brackets and rewrite the sentences. 10x1-10

a) The cool breeze blew smoothly/gently on her face. (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.)

b)All the celebrations and parties were called off because of the tragic

accident. (Put the correct preposition in the blank.)

c) The food is really good at that restaurant. They must (will/can/must/should) have a great chef. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

d) The master along with his three servants is  (is/am/are) going to the court. (Choose the correct verb from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

e) His company is greatly sought after. (Complete the sentence using correct

form of the verb 'seek'.)


f) We look forward to hearing ( hear/hearing) from you soon. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)


g) Although he is rich, he is always dressed in rags. (Put a correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence.)


h) He is the man whose (who/whom/whose) son plays football for Three Star Club. (Choose correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

i) I want my students to respect me. (Change into passive.)

I want to be respected by students.

j)Did you hear me? (Report this with the reporting clause: She asked.……......).

She asked me if I had heard her.



8. Choose and copy the correct answer.


a) Which of the following words has a different final sound?

(i) cats (correct)

(ii) boys

(iii) girls

(iv) houses


b) The initial sound in the word 'maple' is transcribed as

(i) /m/ (correct)





c) Prices seem to .......... every year.

i) raise

(ii) rise (correct)

(iii) raised

(iv) rose


d) The word 'attire' means.......

i) extremely good

(ii) clothes, especially fine or formal ones,(correct)

(iii) thin and easily torn

(iv) clear


e) My car while I was driving.

(i)broke up

(ii) broke off

(iii) broke down(correct)

(iv) broke in


Thank You!! Keep Learning



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